Friday, May 2, 2008

Whats the deal with the blog yo?

The good ol' question people are asking now adays. Whats up with the blog?[i put the yo in as a sidenote of myown personality :P] Well, it seems to me that a blog is an easy, fast, and convienant way to share one's day and laugh about it in the end. Maybe [hopefully] make other people laugh at your own expense also. [whatever works right?] But then people ask, whats the deal with the "teenage evolution'? Well, in my opinion teenage years are the years where one tries to find themselves and ask questions about what they want to do in life. So thanks to my great biology teacher i have decided to call teenagers "intermiediate forms of the human race" because frankly we are. Are teenagers really only intermiediate forms, no, but yet we kinda are. Its in these fragile years of our life that we learn that mistakes are allowable, you dont have to eat everything on your plate, and [even though we know what it's about] we still dont understand the "birds and the bees". I may be wrong about everything, but maybe somewhere in what i write, i could be right. It really all depends on your own opinions and how open your mind is. :P

I think i met an angel today. I was waiting for my mom for one hour at the cafe [where we were suppose to meet and have lunch] when i got fed up and tried calling her but couldnt get through. Luckily i got ahold of my aunt, but it didnt stop me from crying. After i got off the phone and went to sit down, a bus-girl asked me if i was okay and talked to me for a while. She told me her name and said if i needed anything just to call for her. She was really sweet, and i dont know what the world would do without people like that. Because of her action I didnt write about how some highschool girls are mean and spoiled. I almost forgot about how my mom owes me [almost forgot but didnt....yet]. I guess there is hope in the world for the human race :).
~Thank you [even though you're probably not reading this and dont even know me if you are]
My goal this weekend is to help someone like i was :)
[sorry if i didnt make you laugh, but hopefully i inspired]


revengeveronica said...

birds have beaks
bees have stingers.

[i couldnt think
of another "b" word
for bee..]
